rest awhile



when will American's wake up?? This week's sentencing of a 14 year old to jail for 28 years for murder is another story in a long line of terrible truths about the country's youths and guns. Ann Landers published a letter this week with some startling facts pointed out by a Canadian reader. Those neighbors to the North aren't all sloshy in the head from drinking so much Labatts and Molson Ice.

Tuesday, July 24, 2001

Dear Ann Landers: I am a Canadian who cannot understand why you Americans are so naive regarding your safety and the safety of your children. I know the Second Amendment states, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," but I cannot believe your Founding Fathers would still feel this way if they knew innocent children were being slaughtered daily in one of the most advanced countries in the world.

A couple of years ago, the Toronto Star printed some very disturbing facts regarding guns in America. An article by Kathleen Kenna stated:

Fifteen American children die from gunshot wounds every day.

In 1996, 9,390 Americans were murdered by gunfire. Compare that to 106 in Canada, 30 in Britain, 15 in Japan and two in New Zealand.

The United States leads the world in using guns to kill its children. In 1997, of all the firearm deaths of kids under the age of 15 in 26 industrialized nations, 86 percent of the victims were in the United States.

Gun-related murder is the leading cause of death among African-Americans aged 15-24.

Guns are the second most frequent cause of death overall for Americans aged 15-24, and they are the top killer of youth in California.

More kids are killed every year by guns in Washington state (population 5.5 million) than in Canada and Great Britain combined (total population 90 million).

Guns are the second leading cause of traumatic death related to a consumer product. (Automobiles are first.)

Wake up, neighbors! Your children are being killed -- thanks to the National Rifle Association and its lobbyists. -- Happy to Be Safe Living in Canada

Dear Safe in Canada: Thanks for a sane and sensible letter. A while back, the National Rifle Association was touting its defense: "Guns Don't Kill People. People Kill People." How ridiculous can you get? Yes, people kill each other, but it is a lot easier if you have a gun.

Thanks for those statistics. I hope they open the eyes of your neighbors to the south. I have long believed that Canadians are a lot more civilized in this area than Americans.

Kookier, methinks, but much more civilized.

4:45 PM | link | up| archives |


but spoken for. This week my divorce became final. I officially have my maiden name back. It seems so surreal, as though in some ways I never really was married. I don't know how to explain it. My ex is the nicest, kindest person that I know...a very good man with a good heart. I have fond memories of being married to him. Most people assume when I tell them that I'm divorced (or when I told them I was going through the divorce) that it was because we had terrible arguments or that we were just very miserable with each other. It's not actually the case...we just weren't happy. Or, I wasn't happy, I should say. Most people assume, too, that he was the one who left me, which wasn't the case. He is a good man, just wasn't the right man for me. I talked to him on the phone this week, about the divorce becoming final, about our taxes, and to tell him I was seeing someone and (even more of a blow I assume) that he is moving in. That was hard...very hard for me to do. I hate hurting him, sigh. He's someone who just plain doesn't deserve to be hurt.

Being married was a good thing for me, even if it wasn't the right thing. I learned a LOT about myself, about relationships, about what I am looking for in life and what I need and want in a partner. It does seem funny to me though, to be 30 and divorced...a statistic that I never expected to become.

Funny though, how things work out. My work life is nonexistent, which stresses me to no end. I'm homesick a lot these days. I'm dirt poor...back to the level that I was at when I first graduated college. And yet, at the same time, I have the most amazing relationship in my new that gives me continuous strength to endure all these hardships.

11:36 AM | link | up| archives |



my boyfriend says I have been a whiner today. I suppose I have. I have a lot to whine about you see.

~ It's STICKY hot and I hate that.
~ My breakfast plate was all wet (cos someone didn't dry it off before they put it on the table).
~ My car registration is due soon but it's a mess cos my name has changed and my ex lives 3k miles away with a different state driver's license and the car is still in both our names till its paid off in two months.
~ I have to pay taxes next month, sigh.
~ The job interview I had yesterday was good but the job(s) I applied to seem rather amorphous.
~ Someone hacked into my email account to send out spam, I think. Grrr. Stupid hosting company.
~ It's STICKY hot.

So I will stop the whining now.

Niki posted a kick-ass newsgroup post about our favorite monkey. Check it out.

12:32 PM | link | up| archives |



Paulette wrote me the sweetest letter...thanks! She's always so full of encouragement. In our past we have clashed over things...things that now I find to be stupid and silly and my reactions often not showing my better colors. One thing that has always stood out in my memories of her then, and now, is how upbeat she always tries to be...even when things are seemingly against her. It's a really admirable trait and I realize that there aren't very many people in life who I can say that about.

Oh, and for that certain someone in Ohio who thinks that I'll be stupid enough to follow the random /tell from your best friend (my memory is quite sharp and clear, thank you) and walk into a dark dungeon somewhere to be potentially left for god, can't you just leave things alone and move on? It's been well over a year...there was nothing there, there is nothing there and there won't ever be anything there. I have not bothered you or your friend and I expect the same courtesy. Please, it is just far too sad for you to still be spending emotional energy on me at all, even more so to send your friend to check up on me. What do you hope to find out? That I never play alone? The boyfriend's 48 sk is my guardian protector and has been since I started playing again 7 months ago...he was, in fact, the ONLY reason I started playing again. In addition, I have a bevy of friends that will back me up and watch my back. Please, just let bygones be bygones.

Some patient came by today to pick up something from one of the doctor's here where I temp. He was telling us about how a noodle got stuck under his roommate's fingernail...and how they had to take him to the emergency room to get it out. The guy was in so much pain that his buddies decided to get him drunk on Cpt. Morgan's before they took him there. He was the laughing hoot of the ER apparently. All this described to me in great detail before lunch. Eww.

And tonight...drinks and dinner and talking about the writing...because I was being a silly girl and should have just told him then and there how I felt...miscommunication at the time, which of course I knew it was, sigh. We talked about the motivation and inspiration and it all boiled down to good things. We are so enmeshed in each other that people around us would find it sappy and sentimental probably, but it is true...together we can figure it all out.

The interview went well...everything is good thus far. Heading back there on Monday to meet more people. It looks promising but I'm not holding my breath. Been near six months now...damn...that is amazing to me. Only another 4 months of unemployment so I need to get off my butt and figure it out. Oh, and plan to market myself worked! That's how this company found me. ;-)

New projects: figuring out how to get to Joanie's wedding. Sending out sympathy cards to my uncles. Moving more of the boyfriend in. Calling the gas company so they know I paid them already.

Divorce was final yesterday in theory...waiting now to get the final paperwork confirmation...and my NAME back. Yesssss.

3:34 PM | link | up| archives |



is me riding the elevator in the dark today. The lights were out. I knew I was only going one floor, thankfully.

Last night I had a dream that I was holding open a door to let people into a room...and my father walked by me. I told him hello and he said to me as he passed, "Go brush your teeth." I was shocked and said aloud, calling after him... "Excuse me??" He turned and told me that I had bad breath then continued walking away. I was mortified and embarassed. I don't remember much else but I spent a lot of extra time with the toothbrush this morning upon awakening.

I've been thinking a lot today bout motivation and inspiration. How to find it within yourself and how to inspire it in others. I got stopped in my writing this last week and I haven't been that honest with the person who stopped me about how I felt about it. I need to be more clear with him...I was hurt and angry, and thrown inside myself back into that spot where my ex really wasn't interested in my writing, just sort of nodded his head and never seemed interested in reading anything I was desire to be interested or involved. Instead I became rather sullen, frustrated. I wondered why the hell was I excited about the story I was creating when he didn't seem to be as interested. I felt really crushed. And I've just been harboring this inside of me for the last week, trying to figure out how I felt.

Last night we had a conversation about motivation and how he felt stopped about his own lack of creativity...uninspired. And I felt terrible about that. I felt bad because I hadn't been upfront in telling him how bothered I was by his lack of excitement for my story. And then I began to feel unsure of myself...what am I doing to prevent him from feeling motivated? What can I do to help him be excited once more about his creative spirit? And doing something I rarely do...comparing myself to people in the past--were others able to ignite that flame of passionate creativity in a way that I cannot and have not? I don't seem to inspire him in those ways and that leaves me unsure...because I know how art and words are so motivated by feeling and passion and the environment and people in our lives. But the truth of it is, we are both stopped...both plugged up in this same way...and while everything else is all happiness and amazing contentment, these creative stopping blocks are holding both of us up in our own separate ways. Can we fix it as a team? Or is motivation and inspiration something that should have more independence? Should I press forward on my own projects and not worry about the people around me? Can I ignore the fact that the two people I sent my story to to read don't have time or energy to read it? Can I continue to create in a vacuum and find ways to stay motivated? It is hard for me not to be affected by my environment, unfortunately. What can I do to counteract such feelings of unsurety?

2:45 PM | link | up| archives |


so much going on

my uncle died this last week. My father's younger brother. He wasn't very old...about 56. He was on the estranged part of the family so I find that I feel more emotion for my dad and my grandfather than anything else. And I feel guilty because I feel like I should feel sad and I don't. My father is very shaken by this, of course. It's hard being so far away from my family in many ways. And my mom gets especially emotional and tells me how much she misses me and etc. Sigh.

Interview yesterday...not as promising as I wanted but the company seemed too small and uncertain for me. But tomorrow...cross your interview with a hot company that I've been watching for awhile now. Really excited about this one. I hope it works out because the bills are mounting and I'm tired of being lazy. I had a great idea about how to market myself and I executed it...and it worked! So lets hope that this continues to pan out.

Boyfriend moving in this month...which is wonderful but we have to figure out where all the stuff goes in this apartment without any storage. Waiting for the final word on the divorce...should come anytime now. Seems funny, boyfriend moving in before I'm divorced but keep in mind that I've been separated for over a year now and have been emotionally detached from that relationship for far longer. In truth the only thing that reminds me that I am still married is the fact that I'm anxiously awaiting to get my maiden name back.

My best friend has fallen off the face of the earth and I'm frustrated with it and tired of being the one to call, to write, to make the efforts. I have told him this a billion times but he never seems to hear me. So I guess I'll stop making the effort and wait till he fucking figures it out.

The boyfriend's driving hasn't improved since the last post because he hasn't really driven the car since then. Probably won't until the weekend, methinks.

No more writing for now. All my motivations have been pulled out from underneath me in a variety of ways this last week. So much for inspiration. It makes me really sad and I feel isolated.

Oh and we saw the movie, Final Fantasy. Wow. I really enjoyed it. It's amazing what they can do with computers. In another five years you won't be able to tell if it is a real actor or a fake one. And imagine what they can do to revive dead actor's careers! It was such a great movie...not entirely following the line of the games, but just an overall great movie. I really really liked it.

10:35 AM | link | up| archives |


word to the wise

battlefield earth was one of the worst movies that I've seen in AGES. Bad bad bad. And you can see John Travolta's potbelly in his bad alien suit too. Thank god for cable, eh?

Oh, and glitch in tonight's Sex and the City. Carrie's boyfriend bought her a new Mac cos her old one was fried...but in the final scene, there she is with her old one and it is working just spiffy. Guess the black one with her glowing apple just looked better.

The driving is progressing, for those of you following the saga of the boyfriend and the stick shift. He's getting better. Started us up on a hill in the parking garage at the Star today. I was impressed. He seems to lapse...he figures it out and goes really well for a mile or two and then next thing you know, he falls off the bandwagon, failing to put his foot all the way in, WRENCHING my poor car's gears into something unimaginable. Hehe. Soon though. I have faith.

Tomorrow, Final Fantasy, the movie. It's a moral imperative. Yeah yeah I am a girl geek at heart, what can I say?

1:10 AM | link | up| archives |


today i taught the boyfriend

how to drive my car. It's a stick shift and you would think that somewhere in his 36 years of life he would have figured it out, but he had only driven a stick one other time, when he was the least drunk one night and had to take some friends home. So we went to Mt. Auburn cemetery where there are lots of roads and hills and very few people. Took him about an hour to get the hang of it. The hard part (and is still) were the hills, of course. Tough to figure that out right away. He drove us home as well, which was not so bad. Only stalled a couple of times. I had to parallel park the car but that will change soon. Won't be long before he feels totally comfortable. Took me a lot longer to learn how to drive a stick shift.

On the way home, we were stopped at a light in front of Christina's Ice Cream in Inman Square. There was a girl and her boyfriend with their dog sitting on the stoop eating ice cream. We watched her let the dog lick and lick and lick it and I was sure she was going to let the dog eat the thing but nope...she pulled it away and continued to eat the rest of the cone. EWWWW. I can just imagine the dog licking it's arse right before or perhaps rooting away in some other dog's shit as they were walking along. Yuck yuck yuck.

4:29 PM | link | up| archives |


what kind of cat would i be?

Took this silly little test at IVillage, which, I might add, is my friend Paulette's favorite company. Hehe. Wonder what kinda cat she is...


The Snowshoe is gregarious and talkative. She is always ready for fun and will regularly try to instigate a game. While her strong intellect leads her to try new things, it also causes her to become easily bored when a task is mastered. Variety is truly the spice of life for this kitty! Affectionate with others, eager to interact, the Snowshoe is always the ‘belle of the ball’.

4:21 PM | link | up| archives |

note to self

things I want to accomplish before I turn 40 (this will give me ten long years to achieve this list).

~Write and publish AT LEAST one novel.
~Submit poetry until published.
~Own my own house.
~Figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
~Go parasailing.
~Be in better shape at 40 than I am at 30.
~See Europe.

Those are lofty enough goals for now.

11:04 AM | link | up| archives |


seen on the back

of a wrapper for chopsticks.

Two little sticks
They're made out of wood
And they help you
To pick up your lunch
Your lunch
And if you practice
Then you'd get good
And you'll find you can pick up
A bunch to munch
Eat noodles with chopsticks
Eat dumplings with chopsticks
Eat sushi with chopsticks
That's fish!
Don't eat soup with your chopsticks
That's no good with chopsticks
And jello with slide off
Your dish
I eat with chopsticks
Can you eat with chopsticks
Doctor told us
Be intell eat by using chopsticks
Lots of people use chopsticks
So try eat your chopsticks
Right Now

Hehe. I want to watch when you do eat your chopsticks.

1:39 PM | link | up| archives |


of interest (or not)

~ I live within a block of three funeral homes.
~ I saw lightning hit today, outside my kitchen window. It made the most frightening crackle noise as though someone had stuck something metal into a socket. The thunder was so loud it made my heart pound and my spine tingle.
~ I watched Tank Girl yesterday. And Titan A.E. the day before (which I really liked)
~ When I was little, I made up some silly rule that I would not eat marshmallows in my hot chocolate during the month of February. I did this for about 2-3 years...between the ages of maybe 4-7.
~ I had black hair when I was born.
~ I saw my first gold dollar today (it came as change from the postage machine). It looked fake. The woman at the yogurt counter wasn't sure if she should take it.
~ I am a girl gamer, and have been sucked into everquest for nearly two years latest incarnation being Nyxa a level 48 enchanter (can change shape and control monsters)...but mostly I find it a fascinating study in psychology and how people get immersed in the game and often use it as a substitute for real life interactions with people. Some people don't know how to realize that the game is a game is a game...and it isn't real life. For more EQ psychology, check out the Norrathian Scrolls. Then again, I've met some cool people through the game and through the Net in I can understand how the online can influence the offline.
~ I now own four Web site domains. This one, an illicit one, my boyfriend's and my real name.
~ I like the smell of nail polish and gasoline...and cigarettes as they are FIRST lit...after that they are yucky.
~ I am craving Haagen Daz Chocolate Peanut Butter whatever they call it ice cream.
~ I always forget to plug my cell phone in.
~ My kitty likes me to sleep with one foot out of the covers so he can wrap himself around it.
~ I'm going to enter the Gumball Poetry contest...just need to figure out which poems. Which reminds me...GREG IF YOU ARE READING THIS WRITE ME.
~ My boyfriend is the best damn cook I know. Mmmm.

7:55 PM | link | up| archives |


and much as i

like Harry Potter, I have to admit it has gotten a bit out of hand. Merchandising madness is the truth of the matter. This article in Barbelith really gives a bit of food for thought. Somewhat extrapolating, but potentially right? You decide.

And oh my...defecation as life threatening? I know a certain someone whose ass humor would appreciate this. Oh, and thank Pixilated for sharing the news.

Letter writing is becoming a lost art. A Little Note is a "project dedicated to all things snail mail." I need to write more letters. My boyfriend's mother and my grandfather in Olympia, WA are the only receipients of my physical writing these days. No time like the present to start up again though!

4:42 PM | link | up| archives |


can be an elusive sort of thing for me. And when I do have the inspiration to create, I often find myself sidetracked, not finishing projects, starting on whims that never see fruition. Like me and writing.

It's a serious love/hate relationship for me. I always feel the itch to be putting something down on paper...the tremendous urge to express myself, but often the words will escape me. Escape me because I procrastinate, I have excuses, I have stumbling blocks. It's nuts really...once I write I feel better inside. There is a strange sort of completeness that comes after I spill my guts onto a white page. Blogging/journaling are ways for me to get the gut reactions out of me but the more elusive thing is the actual creation of new stories that no one has read or imagined.

So perhaps it's not creation that is elusive, but rather, imagination. I am writing a new novel, finally, and I find that I don't have the whole story down. I am writing as I go, working with my gut rather than with a mapped out story plan. Is this a bad thing? Maybe, maybe not. But there is more adventure in it for me...and yet, there is more frustration. I DO work better with structure than no structure. It gives me more freedom, I find, funny enough. I have a goal, a place to get to and can create crazy ways to get there. I do have a hard time figuring that out though, as I'm writing. I don't WANT to know the end when I'm writing. It's nearly as pleasurable as reading for me, the exploration of what is going to happen next.

For example, my three explorers just came out of a tomb to discover the land is different than when they entered. Where do they go? How do they react? What will happen next? Who or what will they meet? I have NO idea and now my brain is swirling with possibilities. I'm starting to think in the world of my characters, breathe in the same air...this is a good thing. I am finding out where to take them next. It is both very exciting and yet very very daunting.

Daunting in that I'm not entirely sure where to take them. I suppose it is very much like looking at a Cheesecake Factory menu...too dman many choices and you aren't really sure which one will be the best one. And so a strange sort of fear creeps in. It's hard to explain WHAT I am afraid of in writing, but I think that other writers might be able to relate. There is a very clear vulnerability that occurs when you set yourself down, when you ink up the world with little bits of yourself.

But then again, I think, what in hell am I afraid of? I've been inking up the web now with my writings for nearly five years...what is the difference between exposing myself in words for the world online and doing it on paper? Perhaps I see this as less serious than writing a book, than selling a story. I have little to lose slapping my words down here...for the most part I don't really care what people think about these random musings...not like I will if a publisher tells me to stick my book where the sun don't shine. The idea of being rejected is different, I suppose.

But I need to do this dammit. I'm 30 and I've wasted my life thus far in not writing more. I have a long time left and I want to make damn good use of it.

1:56 PM | link | up| archives |


post-fourth musings

last night at 9:50PM we trudged down to the banks of the Charles to brave the crowds and see the fireworks. Being on the Cambridge side helps in avoiding much of the crowds, thankfully. The view was a bit obstructed but we could see most of it and didn't have to be standing out there for hours in order to do so. One of the things that I noticed is the abundance of kids that were out with their parents...which is nothing unusual, but what struck me is how many overweight children there were.

One girl, who must have been about seven or eight, stood in front of us, glasses atop her pudgy nose. She had a double chin and a belly that stuck way out. She wore a man's t-shirt, which was too long but managed to cover all of her. She was easily 50-60 lbs overweight. My heart really went out to her. She will be teased and tormented through her entire school career. I was angry at her mother...there was no reason for that child to be so heavy.

I am so grateful that I managed to make it to high school before weight became an issue. Until I was about 13-14 I was an average child of average weight, but at that point, I began to struggle, like much of my family, with the extra pounds. And so, while pretty, I'm not no skinny minnie and I have a voluptuous figure that has often given me great cause to be frustrated with my body image. I looked at that child last night and felt such pain for was a child who had no control over her food, no knowledge that she shouldn't eat as much as she did or that certain foods were bad for her. How on earth can parents subject their children to such a cruel growing up? Kids are mean...really mean and she will be teased for being fat four-eyes for her entire childhood. The worst thing is, it won't be her will be her parents' thoughtless way of raising their child to eat unhealthily.

That's my rant for the day. Grrr.

11:12 AM | link | up| archives |


nicole has been

writing about how fear stops women. She talks about how women are often stopped by fear in business situations, something that I can often relate to. It does go back to what I was talking about before in a lot of ways...that feeling of being inadequate. If I ever have children I hope I can impart some of that feeling of invincibility to them as they grow older, not just when they are young.

My friend Payman was telling me about his little daughter and how damn smart she is now and how in some ways it worries him. He had his wife have talked about the challenges of keeping her from hiding how smart she is as she grows up. I hid how smart I wasn't cool to be the teacher's pet, it wasn't cool to be the smart one. I remember how phenomenally easy school was for me and how kids were jealous of my success. As I got into high school I became "better" at slacking off, at trying to fit in with my peers rather than furthering my education. This continued into college, where I was often more intent on my social life than my books. It has hindered me greatly in my adult life...there is SO much more I should have succeeded at, that I should have moved forward with in my life. If I had explored my education more, if I had managed to continue into my masters, if I had worked for a better GPA and more academic recognition. If had been writing more.

I think that it often happens with girls. Girls are supposed to be beautiful and charming. Being smart is intimidating to boys, especially at a young age. I learned that fast and I hurt myself because of it. I learned how to just relax and not let my brains represent who I was. What a mistake I can see that was...but well, hindsight is 20/20 huh?

On a better note, I've finished chapter 1 of the new novel. I'm excited about it...I hope I can keep the motivation up. It's a bit different than the things I have written in the past. It's not quite so dreamy I think...chuckle...for the first time in my writing I'm less focused on the romantic aspects than I am telling a fantastic story. I think it will bring a new edge to my writing. Funny what being in love...and content in love, can do for you.

12:17 PM | link | up| archives |



i remember when I felt that way...invincible. When, as a child, I could accomplish anything. I was raised to be fairly competitive, from everything to playing chess or Othello (I can still kick you in the teeth when we play Michael) to winning contests, be it essay writing or spelling bees. There was a sense about me that I could do anything. I remember believing that, feeling that, living that way. Where did it change? Where did the insecurity creep in? Where did I start believing that some attempts are futile? Was it from watching my father's failed business endeavors time and time again (and every single time he gets right back up and starts over...the trait I admire most within him)? I find that in a lot of ways I have that feeling of futility when I never used to. You can hear it when you talk to me giving excuses or reasons why certain things don't make sense. I find that I talk myself out of things instead of into them.

I remember reading somewhere that all little children like poetry. They love the rhyming, the way that big things can be said with a few short words. They love the idea of playing with words. Somewhere in the mid-elementary levels, we teach kids to shy away from poetry...we teach them more serious things such as sentence structure, reading books, teaching them mathematics. Small bits like poetry are looked over and often seen as frivolous except in the confines of literature classes and advanced English. It's that same sort of disillusionment that I feel. I don't feel invincible. I feel guilty when there is too much play. I sometimes feel inadequate more often than I feel adequate.

Where did that change? Was it growing up and seeing that my parents really didn't know everything and often didn't know best? Was it realizing that, as a student, that your teachers might not always be right and sometimes I did know more about some things? No don't get me wrong...I have a strong sense of myself and I am not someone that is wallowing in a low self-esteem. It's just that often circumstances get the better of me. Five months now without a job and I feel more paralyzed than proactive. This is nuts...this is contrary to every way that I have been in my past. But then again, maybe it is not. I do better when I have too much to do. Then suddenly I find time, I am social, I am there and alive and feeling the world around me. Boredom, frustration and a slow schedule leave me confused, stopped, unmotivated. And so where do I find that bit of me again? How can I tap into that so-called "inner child" and find that sense of purposed, determination, and that slight bit of invincibilty...that I can do anything I want to if I just set my mind to it.

And so it's just convincing to set my mind to it I suppose.

Random things: ~ Landlady raising my rent $300 in September. ~Went to a BBQ on Sunday afternoon---was good to get out and meet people. ~The thunderstorms here in Boston have been fabulous...wicked and severe and breathtakingly beautiful. ~ I am itching to write...itching itching to start a new book (hell what about the other half finished ones?) ~My sister and the fresh baby are doing well and I am sad that I don't know when I'll see them. ~No clue what the Fourth of July holds.

12:06 PM | link | up| archives |

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