rest awhile


closing in

on a second interview with a software company that is about ten minutes from my house. Funny enough, in the old building that Event Zero was going to move into but changed their mind. Strange how small the world is.

Things that I have realized about being unemployed:

1. daytime TV commercials consist of lots of Tarot card and law office and attorney commercials
2. the mail lady is nosy and had to comment on my unemployment papers coming in
3. sleeping in till 10AM rocks
4. my house somehow doesn't get any cleaner when I'm not working than when I am
5. i play way too much everquest
6. i have loads of time to spend with my favorite people
7. my kitty is becoming really spoiled
8. looking for a job still sucks even if you have the time to do it
9. i'm becoming quite poor
10. my parents still worry even though they are 3,000 miles away

11:52 AM | link | up| archives |


i'm a star!

well, maybe not. But according to Joanie: "We made the 11 o'clock news! I just saw us on Channel 5. They showed the mad rush at the beginning, a few random (unimportant) shots, and THEN they showed Steph struggling with the zipper on the dress I bought!" Not quite 15 minutes of fame, but what the heck? :-)

Going to see Hannibal today. One nice thing about unemployment...a delightfully free schedule that allows me to see movies without the crowds...

Oh, and Niki, it's back down to 19 degrees again and we're expecting a few inches of snow it's not all springy springtime here just yet. But I feel for you up in that frozen wasteland, you silly girl. :)

11:16 AM | link | up| archives |


madness and mayhem!

It was pretty wild, being part of the mad rush of the quarterly Filene's Basement Bridal Sale. About 200 women consisting of perhaps 75 brides and their entourage, all pushing their way down two stairways into a small area with hundreds of gowns on sale for $250. I met Joanie and her friend, Stephanie, down there at 7AM and stood in line until the doors opened up at 8. It was mayhem, pushing, running and a faster than lightning dash to the racks to grab as many dresses as you can. In one minute, literally, all those hundreds of dresses were off the racks and in the aisles with the brides-to-be. Most were dressed in sports bras and bicycle shorts or tights so that they could try on the dresses without a dressing room. After you grab as many dresses as you could, you started trading the dresses around to find ones that were the right size or style. Joanie tried on about 25 dresses in an hour, but funny enough, the first one she put on is the one she walked home with.

My word of advice for other women looking at the next Filene's sale...don't go at 8AM. Go at 9:30 when the dresses are mostly back on the racks and the selection is still very plentiful. While the mad rush is a bit of excitement, it isn't necessary to get there so early to get the dress you want. Chances are, it's still going to be out of the bride's hands and back on the rack before that hour is over. There were only 75 brides and there were hundreds of dresses.

Joanie, was of course, so excited and jubilant. I have found that I can really enjoy helping my friends who are looking to get married. Funny how that is, now that I am very close to being unmarried. Today after I left Joanie, I went and turned in the paperwork for my divorce. Now I just wait for the court date to be given, at which point I go to court for 15 minutes then receive judgement...wait 120 days and then it's final. So...July probably, and I'll have my maiden name back again. It was a strange feeling, to be helping someone find their wedding dress and then to go on the same day and legally terminate my own marriage. Today, I remembered a lot about my own wedding, both the good and the bad. I was married for seven years and now I have a completely different life. It seems so long ago now, being married. Helping Joanie was a really happy thing for me and while filled with a bit of sadness, turning in that paperwork was a very good, happy thing for me too. Top that off with the fact that a company called to see if I was available to interview and well, I'd call it a damn good day.

3:28 PM | link | up| archives |



are mostly fun, but right now I'm in the feeling sick stage of it...the downward spiral that is past the thrilling part and is now worrying about the next upward climb.

But the weekend was great...watching The Stinkin Lincolns...a once-a-year get together of the dead president (four incarnations of him), complete with top hat, beards and that weird wart thing on his face. They did great covers of the Sex Pistols, Bowie and other punk bands. Met up with friends the next day and did the candlepin bowling thing and well, I came in third. I don't suck, but I'm not great either. And to top off the weekend, yesterday afternoon was spent playing pool...learned how to play nine-ball and had a great time. I could feel it getting better the longer I played...and, I discovered that I play left handed. I never realized that and it is funny that no one pointed it out to me before. So the weekend was a good one, lazy, but recreational and just good.

My downstairs neighbors have moved out, sigh. I really liked them a great deal and am sad to see them go. Wonder who will end up there? Someone loud? Someone who hates how my kitty tears across the apartment when he plays? One good thing...the bedroom for that apartment is on the opposite end of the building than mine.

So much change and movement. So many new things and yet so many old things changing. New people in my life, other people no longer in my life in the same way, no job but other new good things...and it is 50 degrees today. When I was at the grocery store today I passed the seasonal section and they had all the kids jumpropes and baseball bats out. Spring has sprung. The wind has changed a bit and things are different. I can feel it inside me...a mixture of wonder, excitement and in some ways fear and nervous anticipation.

My friend Joanie is getting married this fall and early tomorrow morning I'm going to join the throngs of women that converge on Filene's basement for their bridal sale. I'm a bit unsure about this venture...I'm going to either be holding dresses or scavenging for them amongst a crowd of more than likely extremely rude bitchy women. I'm sure I will have a wild tale or two to share come tomorrow...

3:25 PM | link | up| archives |


and so

I've been pretty detached lately. Sort of. Part of it has been the unemployment. Sort of has me frozen. Part of it is preoccupation with another very important part of my life. There are several friends who have written me lately who I haven't written back to, Niki and Paulette to name a few. Another friend thinks I'm just pissed off at him...sigh. Just haven't been at my puter writing to people and I'm sorry for that. I will make a much more diligent effort to join the world again this week. I want to and need to. I think that the last few weeks have just been a very sweet sort of recuperation from the working with the worst micromanaging control freak that I can imagine. The relief has been so great for me and just being inside myself and the near sphere of things going on close to me has been much needed.

Going out tonight to see a friend's band, The Stinkin' Lincolns. Presidents day show, you see. Should be fun. I love going to shows, seeing the people, drinking beers, hearing good music. I miss that a great deal and going out again is always good. Supposed to be wicked cold tonight, near 25 below with windchill. ICK.

Other news?

~My sister is going to have a baby boy on June 24...
~A ripe plum ruby ring has found it's way onto my finger...grin. It's gorgeous. Gorgeous gorgeous.
~Severance runs out on March 1. Sigh.
~I have discovered how to make the most amazingly sinful hazelnut chocolate mousse.
~Two movies of must see caliber: Chocolat and Shadow of the Vampire (god I love Malkovich)

9:47 PM | link | up| archives |



cross your fingers, say a few prayers, send me some marketing manager leads...that I will find a job before my severance runs out in two weeks. please.

12:12 AM | link | up| archives |


my sweet valentine

Today a dozen roses showed up at my door, much to my surprise and delight. Gorgeous, lush red roses in a box nearly as tall as me. They smell divine and look beautiful on my kitchen table where tonight I'll dine on duck in a luscious cherry sauce. Guys, let me tell you yet can never never go wrong with roses. Big bonus points for roses on any occasion.

I made truffles today. Orange-chocolate truffles coated in powdered sugar and dark bittersweet chocolate. They are rich and sumptuous, the kind you can only have one at a time. I'd never made truffles before and when I was talking with my sister on the phone she expressed doubt at my ability to make them turn out. They turned out...amazing. Chocolate is an ages old aphrodisiac and giving them on Valentines Day seems more than appropriate. I can't wait to taste them with a glass of wine.

Valentines day is a funny holiday...a day to celebrate love. Named after St. Valentine, a Christian martyr who lived around 270 A.D. It is said that while in jail, Valentine fell in love with the jailer's blind daughter and miraculously restored her sight. Before his execution, he is supposed to have sent her a farewell note signed "From Your Valentine." In feudal times, they believed that birds began mating on Feb. 14 and so the idea of lovebirds and the association of Valentines day happened over time.

This year I'll have all the traditions...chocolate, wine, beautiful red roses and one true Valentine.

3:43 PM | link | up| archives |


and so

since my webcam is down and that pic was terrible, I posted an old one. Someday I'll fix it, when I find myself in front of my cam doing something besides playing Everquest on a crack-addict-like basis. Not my fault. My friend's. I had stopped playing. But my little enchanter has rather grown on me and suddenly I'm there all the time once more. What can I say? It's fun.

Thanks Niki, for the wonderful Xmas present that I just picked up at the post office, sigh. I don't check that box very much cos it's mostly junk mail...and well, there were two books there, one, a book of poems by her father-in-law, Orval Lund, Cast-ing Lines and the first Harry Potter book, which I had been wanting to read. Thanks again, sigh...although it is very belated.

8:13 PM | link | up| archives |


i feel

pretty strongly about this...Niki sent it along in my email and I'm blogging here for you all to take a look at:

Patt Morrison of the Times has a fabulous idea. Presidents Day is coming up on February 19. We all need to make a donation, however small, to a pro choice organization and have a card sent to Bush basically saying: "President Bush, a donation has been made in your name to Planned Parenthood." Go to:

Planned Parenthood is one of the best organizations for women's health around. When I was first married years ago (and to prevent confusion for some of my readers, I'm in the process of a divorce), Planned Parenthood was the only place for me to go get my birth control pills. I couldn't afford health insurance and as a result I couldn't afford to go to the doctor. PP helped me with my yearly pap smears, my prescriptions and when I had other health concerns, such as yeast or bladder infections. I had nowhere to turn except an organization like them. It angers me how everyone focuses on the abortions and ignores the really wonderful things that they do to help women.

Please send a contribution to them on behalf of President Bush. He's beginning to take very drastic measures that will affect women's health in general, not just about abortions, but in how we will be able to take care of our bodies. Ashcroft is one of the scary steps he has taken...placing a man in a position of power--one with such beliefs and ideas for bills that he would want to pass that could be construed in ways that could outlaw birth control itself. Please take a stand and send a message to the President that women's rights should not be ignored.

10:41 AM | link | up| archives |


let it snow

And it is starting to do just that. In between the rain is the snow, which is supposed to thicken and begin to accumulate this afternoon and evening. The wind is fierce too, making me especially glad to be indoors. I don't have to move my car, the guy came already to pick up my laundry (he'll deliver it tomorrow...wooohooo!) and I went to the store yesterday so food is not an issue. Besides, it's a perfect day to make tortellini soup for dinner. It's a simple sort of recipe, which I love and include here for your culinary pleasure:

Tortellini soup

1 package of fresh tortellini of your choice
1 cup frozen peas
4 cups chicken broth

Bring broth to boil. Add tortellini, cook for 2-5 min, depending on if package was fresh or frozen. During last minute of boiling, add peas. Add parsley and pepper to taste.

You can also make this with chicken stock from the last time you cooked up a chicken. Include pieces of chicken for a hearty new chicken soup variation. My friend showed me this...yum yum.

2:06 PM | link | up| archives |

france kicks brazilian ass

Okay...this is the definitive announcement. DO NOT WRITE ME IN PORTUGESE. DO NOT EXPECT AN ANSWER IF YOU ARE FROM BRAZIL. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU THINK I AM BEAUTIFUL. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU SEND ME POETRY. I AM NOT GOING TO READ IT IF YOU CAN'T WRITE COHERENTLY IN ENGLISH.This is the ban on it all. It's my site and I'm tired of getting gushing mushy romantic mail that I can't read and don't care about.

I am American. I ONLY speak English. And some French. I hate Soccer. Well, I hate soccer if Brazil is playing. I love the French and Italians when they play.

These days I'm mostly partial to Switzerland. And England when they are not being idiots (which is more common than not, methinks).

I don't need a boyfriend, I don't need a lover and I don't need a pen pal. I am perfectly content blogging away into oblivion without response. And so, if you write me in portugese it GOES IN THE TRASH. No babelfish for you, no translation, just the trash.

Curse that damn site for making me a top cam.

12:34 AM | link | up| archives |


vague disbelief and relief

I'm not going into work tomorrow. It's such a tremendous weight gone off my shoulders. The parental type of people in my life are all concerned about how I'm going to be putting food in my mouth in a months time, sigh. I try to explain that this is one of the best things that could have happened to me...its frustrating to have to justify why I am relieved to not be working in that situation anymore. It's not about the money. It's about my peace of mind, sigh. I would have been happier working at something simple and mindless at minimum wage every day than going into that office and feeling as stifled, belittled and frustrated as I was.

I took a day off, to do absolutely nothing. A weekday off. Somehow that was important...and so Friday I didn't do anything. I didn't job hunt, I didn't scour newspapers, I just took time for me. Tomorrow I'll start tracking down all the leads that my friends (THANK YOU) have given me for open positions. I'll start modifying resumes to show that I was laid off once more. I'll start on the fast track to finding something that might be a job that will give me some modicum of satisfaction in the 60% of my weekday time that I will be working.

AND I'll be able to write some more. And clean up this pit of an apartment. And go, on Monday, and turn in some long awaited paperwork to finally start my divorce proceedings. And squish my kitty. And watch the beautiful glorious snow fall during the day tomorrow and not worry about walking home through the slush.

But the best part is how I feel once more, delighted, giddy, and a lot more fun to be around.

11:28 AM | link | up| archives |


hey dad! l too lost my Internet job!

and so I have been laid off...yes, you heard me right. They gave me my walking papers, complete with one month's severance and two tickets to the Bahamas (in lieu of the company trip I was supposed to be going on in March). Sort of a shocker, but damn, what a blissful one. And no, it wasn't just was about 4-5 others as well.

I had been struggling for the last three months to make a mark on that company but the micromanaging, control-freak atmosphere in which I was working was a constant deflating, demotivating experience for me. Each day it got harder to get up and go to work. Each day was more of a chore than the day before and I found myself watching the clock from moment of arrival until I was able to head out the door. And so, when they sat me down, all formal, expecting me to burst into tears, I found myself relieved. Suddenly I have the means in my hand to once again find a place where I can find a bit of job satisfaction. Finally.

And so, I am on the active list. If you know of any marketing manager/director positions in the Boston area, drop me a line and give me a heads up. But I'll have you know...that I won't be checking that mail until late tomorrow morning, after a long blissful chance to sleep in, nightmare and stress-free, for the first time in the last two months.

7:33 PM | link | up| archives |

sad day indeed

when services that greatly benefit the user are struggling to keep from going under. It's all about sustainable business models, and sadly enough, I've always wondered how Blogger would make money in the long run. One of my well-informed readers sent me the following links, one to Evhead and another to good ol'metafilter. Both links point to discussions about the fate and future of Blogger.

I will be DEVASTATED if something happens to Blogger...this means for me to spill and spout my guts at any given time (thanks Scott for giving me the initial taint of this illness). It's become a serious means to my continued search for expressing pent up creativity, to keep me writing, to keep me thinking. And now I hear that it is on shakey ground? It's like Kozmo, of whom I am a devoted user....but now I just keep waiting for the bomb to drop and movie rentals to once again be something I hike to the store to get rather than going down to answer the doorbell.

The thing is...I will PAY for this service. For blogger. It is something that I use on a very regular basis. It has become meaningful and worthwhile to me. I would pay a subscription for the ability to use this service every day. It's clear from the Blogger server fund that people are willing to pay. People do, they pay for things that matter to them. So what is the problem? Why wasn't this implemented? Perhaps the free service is a limit on how much you can blog...maybe you would be limited to three posts a day or with limited features. For $5-10 a month, you get unlimited blogging. I'd pay ten bucks a month, you bet I would. Sounds like a revamped service offering to me. What would users rather have, no service or pay for the service? Bet you ten to one that the users would ante up...

2:30 PM | link | up| archives |

happy birthday

age is a funny thing. One of my colleagues, a young woman of about 23-24 was telling me how she just feels "old." The older types can laugh a bit at that...I chuckle a bit as 30 stares me down later this year. But age is relative. I know someone that turns a ripe old 36 today. I was telling that to the same colleague and she was shocked to hear that...she thought he was was about 27 or so. Must be nice to look nearly ten years younger than you are!!

He does look young, but he acts young as well. He laughs at life, he can be silly without being immature, adventurous, playful. He knows not to take life so seriously...a lesson I am trying to learn from him. I am, slowly.

Birthdays are funny things. We dread them and yet, we celebrate them. We hate the thought of getting older, but we relish the time when we have family and friends that connect with us. It's a day that celebrates your life! Who you are, the very fact that you belong on this earth. Some people turn their nose up at birthdays but for me they have always been very important. It is a celebration, a time that should be special for the one whose birthday it is. I mean really, how many other days in the year are devoted entirely to YOU?

And so my friend, Happy Happy Birthday to you!

1:33 PM | link | up| archives |

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