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May 26, 2004

a picture is worth a thousand words

A Shell gas station owner put up this sign again in Menlo Park, Calif., Monday, May 17, 2004 as gas prices raise in the area. The owner put up the sign last year when prices climbed. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

This goes back to the question...are you better off now than you were four years ago? Let's see:

1. Gas prices are outrageous.
2. Jobs are extremely hard to come by (and I've spent half of the last four years without a permanent job in my career, i.e. I've temped, consulted, prayed). Friends and family have nearly all been affected like this. Salaries are lower than before.
3. My tuition has gone up every year.
4. I have relatives who may potentially end up going to Iraq.
5. Health insurance is costing me more and my prescription drug costs have gone up.
6. Housing prices are insane (Median home price in Boston is $450k).
7. I feel a general unsafeness and unrest...I'm concerned about ongoing hatred and retaliation by angry angry Arabs...that may affect myself or people I know around the world (Madrid, Japan, England, US).
8. My taxes have increased.
9. I have lost money in my 401k.
10. I'm more determined now not to have children than ever...I don't want them to have to pay for the mistakes of our present.

In many ways though, things ARE better...but because I have chosen to look toward the bright spots where I can.

1. I met the man of my dreams and married him.
2. I am healthier now than I was four years ago and becoming healthier than ever before.
3. I am writing on a more consistent basis. My poetry has been published.
4. I have made a conscious effort to build up my social circle and to stay in better touch with my family and friends.
5. I launched Plum Ruby Review with one of my oldest friends.
6. I have three adorable nephews who enrich my life, even if I'm far away.
7. I went back for my M.A. which I will have by the end of the year, with, cross your fingers, a book contract by graduation this fall.
8. I reunited with a very close friend that I had had a stupid falling out with.
9. I have learned and grown as a marketer, using my learnings in CCT and my need to become creative in a tough economy.
10. I'm happier inside than I have ever been before.

The thing is, none of those ten things have to do with the world at large. I just wish that the world could feel as much peace and love as I do in my little sphere of things.

Posted by crystallyn at May 26, 2004 06:04 PM

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for what it's worth - i think we're living in a very interesting time globally. i think the next generation is going to inherit a shitload of problems, but hopefully our generation can right some of its many wrongs.

in all of this, i've learned to take the good with the bad and take ALL of it with a grain of salt. and having someone to love (and love you back) makes it all easier to deal :)

Posted by: girlwonder at May 30, 2004 02:45 PM