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January 11, 2004

going out to buy some crystals

deodorant crystals, I think. Does anyone know if they work?

Maybe I'm reactionist about this, but well, the statistics ain't so great and I don't want to become one.

This article about the link between parabens found in deodorant and breast cancer is enough for me.

We saturate our bodies with chemicals...in our food, in our cosmetics, in everything. It's bound to show up somewhere...

Posted by crystallyn at January 11, 2004 07:25 PM

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» Crystals from Boston Common
Crystallyn reads an article about a possible link between breast cancer and deodorant chemicals and wonders: do deodorant crystals work?... [Read More]

Tracked on January 12, 2004 07:46 PM


My wife and I have experience with the crystals. They work relatively well under normal conditions, if you aren't physically exerting yourself or staying in hot environments for much of the day. Also, you can't skip a day, as you sometimes can with conventional deodorants. We haven't yet tried them during the summer months.

If you work in a climate-controlled office like I do, the crystal should be fine. Otherwise, your mileage may vary.

- Brad

Posted by: Brad at January 13, 2004 05:31 PM

""Emerson is sending them for a rock deodorant, or crystal rock deodorant because it doesn't have chemicals, so there's nothing then to affect the lymph nodes under the arms," Natural Gourmet spokeswoman Debra Stark said."

I HATE stupid statements like that. If it doesn't have chemicals what is it made of, a big lump of NOTHING? Completely INERT material? Then what good is it supposed to be then?

"Chemicals" aren't inherently scary bad things. We are made of chemicals, we need to ingest chemicals to live, etc. That sort of inane "no chemicals" pandering only perpetuates the science-ignorance.

There's also the whole "It's natural so it's safer" as if most of the vegetative kingdom isn't armed to the biochemical teeth trying to dissuade the ravages of herbivores and omnivores like us.

FWIW it's my understanding that the "crystal rock deodorant" stuff is also manufactured, with what ingredients I'm not sure. I know that personally I avoid putting stuff with aluminum in it on me.

My own choice is the "Toms of Maine" line as they've never irritated me, proven effective for my needs, are reasonably priced, and widely available. That they've all sorts of other claims is pretty irrelevant to my concerns.

Posted by: Maggard at January 13, 2004 06:11 PM

I've heard that it is mainly the aluminium content in deodorants that makes them harmful and potentially cancer-causing. So as long as you choose an aluminium-free one, you should be fine. I think so, anyway :)

Posted by: hannah at January 13, 2004 09:42 PM

I actually use one every day! I used it over the summer, too. My observations: 1) No stains on your clothes, EVER. Even if you get dressed while it's still wet. 2) No more little ingrown-hair-type owies I used to get from shaving. 3) It CAN sting a bit if you did just shave. 4) It's not as straight-out effective as good ol' anti-perspirant deodorant, but just as good as garden variety deodorant.

I do sometimes use the other stuff, just to mix things up a bit.
I say give it a try--that's really the only way to find out how it works with your body chemistry.

Posted by: Redpanda at January 13, 2004 10:15 PM

So where do you pick one up at? Might be worth a try. The Tom's stuff sounds interesting too.

Posted by: crystal at January 13, 2004 10:23 PM

Trader Joe's sells it. $5 for one, which seems like a lot, but it lasts for a long time. They claim a year, and based on my use of it, that's low.

Posted by: Sean at January 14, 2004 10:42 AM