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October 03, 2003

one of the most annoying things

about being unemployed and having your resume up on Monster, HotJobs and the like, is that places like American Express Financial Services and American Income Life Insurance start calling you--wanting to tell you how you can have a lucrative career with them.

American Income has been the worst. I've received several phone calls, but each time from a different rep, sometimes 2-3 on the same day. They leave a message to call back, but when I do (I want them off my back), the extension I dial goes into a voicemail box for "the receptionist." Sorry, not leaving a message.

They don't care WHAT you do for a living when they call. They just want a warm body on the phones calling other people to harass them into buying insurance or signing up with them so you too can start hunting job boards and seeing who you can get underneath you. They didn't read my resume....which says MARKETING DIRECTOR on it. Does it say sales? Does it say telemarketing? No.

After the 6th or 7th phone call that Joe got for me from American Income, he asked the woman, "Is it a marketing job?" She said no. "Then she doesn't want it." That seems to have solved that problem. For now.

Yesterday I found Joe chuckling at something on his computer.

"What is it?"

"Go look."

I did, and sure enough, in his email, is a letter from American Income saying that they saw his resume (he's looking for a job selling WINE) and think he would be an excellent candidate for them.


Posted by crystallyn at October 3, 2003 03:32 PM

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That would be awful. It's the unemployment equivalent of spam and I'm sure, like email spam, it never stops. :(

Posted by: Ancarett at October 4, 2003 07:54 AM