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September 16, 2003

my list of

things I don't understand:

1. our freaking weather ~ hot-cold-hot-humid-ick.
2. mean people.
3. why in HELL people aren't paying attention to this.
4. why I can never find shoes that feel 100% comfortable.
5. rotten service at car dealerships.
6. how kitties can sleep for 20 hours a day.
7. why I yawn when thirsty and when cold.
8. why the leaves are changing so fast. :(
9. why I didn't buy vanilla futures!!!!!

Posted by crystallyn at September 16, 2003 06:22 PM

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How much of that is true about Bush though? The website even states that it can't show validity.

What makes me sad is that there's nothing we can do about him anyhow.

Posted by: Shanna at September 16, 2003 09:54 PM

We can NOT re-elect him. That'd be enough to placate me.

Posted by: Redpanda at September 17, 2003 07:58 AM

As for the Bush stuff... I can't speak for all, but I have seen a fair amount of it documented in various places.

Yes Redpanda is right! That is a start.

I'm curious about the link to the vanilla futures remark link. It won't link right for me.

Posted by: Michael Wells at September 17, 2003 11:23 AM

Okay fixed that vanilla link. I was going to buy some till I saw the price...OMG!

And Shanna, I think the disclaimer is to save the poster's butt. I've seen at least half of the resume in various news reports over the last 4-5 years, so I'm pretty sure that a LOT of it is very true.

And yep, we can do one thing--register to vote and don't vote for him.

My one worry is that we'll have something like what happened in the last election, where the Nader votes ended up taking votes away from Gore, so the end result is monkey man taking over.

The things that I really want to know:

1. where are the WOMD?
2. where is Osama?
3. where is Saddam?
4. why don't we care about the civilian deaths from these wars? http://www.iraqbodycount.net/
5. why it's ok to spend $87 billion dollars on another country's infrastructure and we cut our own country's education and programs in order to do so. $87 billion is more money than we spend on our own education in this country.
6. why it's okay to have MORE soliders dead and wounded AFTER the war...with an average of 2-10 more dying every day?

Ohhh...I'll stop now.

Posted by: crystal at September 17, 2003 06:23 PM

Do you buy your spices at Penzey's? I've heard them recommended, but whenever I need a spice I need it right then, and otherwise I don't think about it.

I thought of you the other day--I fell down my stairs! Slid down them on my back with my head going bump-bump-bump on each step.

Posted by: Sharyl M. Burson at September 18, 2003 05:08 PM

I just wanted to point out that if Clinton was still in office he would have been running away in fright. I am glad that we have a President who it courageuos and mature enough to take a stand against the people who killed so many of ours. Not only that but help the people in Iraq who were held beyond their control in a country that didn't respect their God given right to speak, or praise, or ANYTHING! No President is ever going to have every quality that everyone wants. Why not look at the positive about our government instead of whinning about things you can't do anything about. I'm not a republican or democrat but I vote for whats best for the country and you can't honestly say that GORE was what was best. I recommend you go to www.bobandsheri.com and look on that site. There is a whole article about the great things Bush and his cabinet have accomplished.

Posted by: Eva Massi at December 19, 2003 11:50 AM

And another thing. My best friend is a soldier fighting in Iraq and he has told me numerous times that he would gladly give his life because he voluteered for his job and he would pay any price for freedom. Not only his but the people of Iraq and the other countries that wouldn't have a chance any other way.

Posted by: Eva Massi at December 19, 2003 11:53 AM

Ask your best friend if he was one of the lucky soldiers that didn't have to buy his own body armor (at the tune of $1400 a pop) because the Bush administration doesn't have enough money to keep outfitting all the men and women they are sending over. The Pentagon even said that it wasn't priority. My cousin is slated to go over soon and he's in the military police. If you think that I'm not concerned about his safety then you are insane. We're up to over $114 BILLION spent on the war and he can't even protect our own sons and daughters.


And what about Osama? We couldn't even manage to find the man who REALLY fucked up our country and we went after another country, who, granted has a leader that should have been killed back in the LAST Bush era and in the meantime, Osama is still wandering around. I'm still waiting to find out about the mysterious WOMD that no one has found in Iraq. It will be YEARS that we are in Iraq. YEARS. We can't even manage to shelter and feed some of our own people, we can't stop our own out-of-control violence, and yet we are over there giving loads and loads and loads of money to another country and we will continue to do so for years to come.

This has NOTHING to do with laying down your life for your country. I admire every single one of those men and women that are over there fighting on behalf of our freedom. I do not admire our big brother government and their continual coverups and poor decision making. I hate the fact that every single day there is a chance that YOUR best friend is going to die as a result of someone else's pure stupidity.

Why don't YOU check out www.misleader.org. The site aggregates news from all over. Today's article, the 19th cites the President's OWN speeches as more evidence that the war wasn't the last resort. There are countless articles and speeches and broadcasts of the President's own contradictory claims and clear acts of coverups if you only take the time to REALLY dig into the facts. It has nothing to do with being a democrat or a republican. It has to do with opening your eyes and looking at all the sources and making a logical decision. Go back through the administrations own statements and admissions over the last three years--the contradictions are too numerous to count.


Posted by: crystallyn at December 19, 2003 01:45 PM

I understand your concerns as well but in most cases it is "our" own fault that there is violence and hunger and every other unfair plague that torments our country. The violence is caused by each other not by President Bush demanding that we worship him or die. And thats whats going on over in Iraq. Personally, as a Christian, God teached me to not be selfish and look beyond my neighbors to others that might be in need as well. There are more people dieing overseas than in this country. We have more means of helping ourselves that anyone in those countries probably will ever experience. We have more people over here that are living off of social services, medicaid and welfare that should be out making a real living and are very capable of doing so except out of their own laziness they pull a pity me move and beg for money or "steal" from people who really do need assistance.
Do you know that when my friend went back to work from having her baby, her husband was critically injured in a car accident and they didn't have any means of providing money, food or clothing for their newborn that the state wouldn't even assist them in paying for daycare because the job she accepted was GOING to pay more than their "limit." Do you know that she had to turn that job down and stay on welfare because our government was too busy paying out all these bills for these woman who don't get off their butts to get a job and instead use their children as a write off to get more money from our government. So when you tell me that we have problems over here in the USA they aren't caused by anyone except ourselves. We have become a greedy country who can't see past our own noses. So why not help a country that would actually appriciate our generousity? Instead of focusing on the killing that we speak of by our OWN hands. They are getting murdered over there in masses by their own government!! Why do we deserve freedom any more than they do? Why shouldn't we help them? And I do pray everyday that my best friend isn't killed but if he does die over there atleast I am assured that he will go to heaven. I respect your point of view and there are many sides to war. I guess we just look at them differently which is, by the way, a right that we have that once again, a lot of people overseas don't: FREEDOM of speach. God Bless

Posted by: Eva at December 23, 2003 04:13 PM