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May 29, 2003


I saw:

A father teaching his little boy (must have been under five years) how to ride a bike in a park's parking lot.

A black shoe left near the old Salem jail on a stairway. I want to take a picture of it.

A tennis shoe on the on-ramp from 128S to 93S. Why do people lose shoes on the highway????

A man on the tip top of the mast of a sailboat, fixing a little flag. He made me dizzy watching.

Another person smoking, talking on her cell-phone and driving very slow in the fast lane. My favorite kind of person.

A pair of brilliant red cardinals flitting through the trees around our house.

I heard:

A woman in the apartments behind our house, singing, very loudly, VERY horribly, for at least a couple of hours. As Joe said...she's the type of woman who would try to get onto American Idol because she thinks she's got talent...and Simon would tell her she's "quite possibly the worst singer I've ever heard."

Posted by crystallyn at May 29, 2003 09:28 PM

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