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May 27, 2003

anthony hopkins, bad dreams and gollum as a rapstar

This weekend, Joe and I watched Red Dragon, the pre-quel to Silence of the Lambs, starring Anthony Hopkins, Ed Norton, Ralph Fiennes and Harvey Keitel. Wasn't too bad a movie...it's just a shame that it had to follow the massive bomb, Hannibal, which was arguably one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I'll never be able to look at Ray Liota and not think about eating his brain for lunch.

Oddly enough, we watched that on Saturday night and last night I had a dream that I was with a group trying to hunt down Anthony Hopkins in a big old hotel (it was more of a mansion than a hotel), and one of my co-workers found him in a room upstairs. She ran out hysterically, saying that he was up on the ceiling and that he was going to kill her. She wouldn't stop, even though I had the distinct feeling that he wouldn't have killed her if she could have just calmed down a bit. Very strange.

That dream was on the heels of another dream in which I was moving into a very tiny, dark apartment with twisty passageways into each room (the main entrance was off of a dorm hallway and it was so small I called it a rabbit hole...you had to crawl into it). The movers were supposed to come at 1:30AM and so we got up at 1:20, turned on the lights and the porchlights, but the movers never came! The next day I had to try and remember which movers we used...I couldn't remember and they had all our furniture.

Sunday we picked up the boxed DVD set for The Fellowship of the Ring and watched the long version for the first time. It was so much better, including extra scenes which I felt were very crucial to the movie (the gifts from Galadriel, for example). Thanks to a tip from James, I know that I should wait till the long version of Two Towers comes out in November, rather than buying it in August.

Somehow, in the course of some conversation I had this weekend (Joe is a huge Built to Spill fan and he was surprised to find out they were from Boise--I assured him, that, like me, some good things do come from there), I had a long memory of someone that I used to know and always wondered what happened to. Every so often I look for him online and it turns out he's finally got a web presence (and a two year old son!! congrats!). Ned was one of the more talented people I used to know and it looks like probably still is.

It was sort of timely that in perusing his site I discovered this little tidbit--

Gollum going a bit nutty with one of his orc buddies.

This is great for a serious laugh. I should post this to the geek Everquest boards I used to go to, but I think I'll let Sean/Corwin or Shanna/Ciado do it for me.

Posted by crystallyn at May 27, 2003 06:24 PM

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I have similar dreams to your apartment one--in the most recent version, I was working in an office building in which I had to climb over several pieces of furniture and then crawl through a square foot hole in the wall in order to reach my office. It never occured to me in my dream that it was at all unusual (that the building was in violation of the fire code, for starters).

Another dream my sister and I both have fairly frequently is one in which we're in a huge public restroom--rows upon rows of stalls--but we can't find a toilet we can use. This one won't flush, this one is out of toilet paper, this one's stall walls only go up half way (!?), etc. We just refer to it these days as "the bathroom dream".

Wonder what these dreams mean, or if they're just symptomatic of some level of anxiety or frustration in our lives. But geez, why did I pick public toilets?

Posted by: Sharyl M. at May 27, 2003 07:57 PM

I have those weird 'crawlspace' dreams too. And I"m not claustrophobic at all. Twisty corridors & all.

And hey!!! I don't frequent EQ boards for months now. I do read GUComics.. it's funny and I got to hang with Woody & Rich so it's _almost_ like I know the guys :P

Posted by: Shanna at May 29, 2003 01:42 AM

The gollum rap is pretty darn funny!

Don't know if you've seen this before:

But there ya go.

Posted by: Kyle at May 29, 2003 03:40 AM

Crystal... sweetie... i love you to death, and if Joe hadn't gotten there first i'd be ALL OVER YOU BABY!... but the entirety of this post truly, utterly, tragically, deeply scarred me for life... the towers are the playas....

Posted by: Sean at May 29, 2003 03:36 PM

Oh you loved it, you know it. I bet you ran out and bought some extra bandanas so you could groove too. ;)

Posted by: Crystal at May 29, 2003 03:57 PM