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June 08, 2006

not much hype about hyperstrike

I've been looking for a different online program to track and plan my fitness activities--none of them have really done it for me in the end. I'm somewhat interested in a brand new site that came out earlier this year: Hyperstrike. It's purely a fitness planner and tracker--nutrition isn't a component that you can currently track. That's fine for me, however, since I track my food and nutrition elsewhere. The planning for fitness, although still somewhat rudimentary in ways, is actually quite interesting.

Essentially what Hyperstrike does is to help you create an overall fitness plan. They have three tracks, Lean, Fitness and Performance. Lean and fitness would both work fine for me. You input some basic information and then it spits out a calendar with your training plan built in. What's very nice about it is the animated video clips that show you how to perform all the strength training exercises.

I like the premise of Hyperstrike and in theory it would be a great way to track my fitness because if it's powerful planning capability but it is lacking in its flexibility. You only can choose between the treadmill or elliptical for cardio for example. No cycling, swimming, rowing, etc., not even as a write-in. I find that to be the most frustrating. Granted, it is in beta, so maybe that will change. I'm terribly impatient though, and waiting for months to get a solution isn't really what I want.

So far the offline version of Fitday is the best that I've found for tracking holistically but it could stand tweaking in the exercise sections and it's not offered online.

I'm almost inclined to go back to some sort of pen & paper journal at this point...

Anyone have other suggestions?

Posted by crystallyn at June 8, 2006 07:48 AM

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I haven't had much luck using any sort of online program. I'm actually trying a buddy program through Allure's makeover program (www.allure.com/makeover/). It let's you track your meals and workouts, but it's not as flexible as I'd like. It let's you choose different workout options but doesn't have the option to choose multiple programs. I like to do cardio and then circuit training but you can only choose one entry to log.

Can't beat the trusty route of pen/paper, and calendar programs. =)

Hope you and Joe are well! -ang

Posted by: Angela at June 9, 2006 04:07 PM

Hi Crystallyn,

Thank you for the compliment. I will take your feedback to the development team. We are building some amazing features at the moment. I can’t discuss all of them, but I will tell you "think" mobile. Nutrition will be included and you’ll never use another workout program after seeing the new site. Look mid-august.

Best regards,

Mike Greeves
HyperStrike, Inc.

Posted by: Mike Greeves at June 9, 2006 07:31 PM