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May 11, 2006

I don't get it

Why are they praying for Clay? Are they hoping he isn't gay?

I saw those Enquirer photos. I also have watched gay friends trolling the Net to pickup guys (and no, I really really don't understand why that is), exactly like Clay is in that picture. I don't doubt it for one second.

Shocking...it's like those people who don't think Manilow is gay. I went to see Manilow last year with a girlfriend and thousands of old ladies were swooning over him. Amazing. I wish I could impart my extra-sensitive gay-dar to all those completely-homophobic-but-in-love-with-gay-men women out there...

At least Manilow is smarter than Clay is when it comes to coming across as being ambiguously gay.

Posted by crystallyn at May 11, 2006 07:37 PM

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