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February 10, 2006

bits of random-ness

I realize that I haven't blogged lately. I've been busy. Or lazy. Maybe a bit of both. But I'm always interested...

Some of the random things that have caught my interest:

* Zillow, a very cool way to research real-estate
* EQ2 and all of the enjoyable time-suck that it is
* How long it will be before they indict Cheney
* CB2 has a new catalog! But when are they going to open up a store in Boston?
* When you wash clothes and oil gets all over them, it means that your seal around the agitator is cracked and that basically a new washer is on your agenda. And new clothes. Argh.
* I hope to soon have the courage to join this club.
* Apparently up in Canada they aren't just fond of poutine (BLECH), but also eating pig's tails.
* Hanging out in the wonderfully clever Kingdom of Loathing

Posted by crystallyn at February 10, 2006 07:01 PM

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OMG - poutine is great!! I miss it. :(

Posted by: Mary Ann at February 12, 2006 12:19 AM