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November 03, 2005

couch to 5k

So I'm really doing it...the couch to 5k running program. Remember way back in February when I talked about working towards a mini-triathlon? I never forgot about that. I was battling shin splints and so felt discouraged about running in general. Finally switched out my shoes and started up again and boom! I'm on my way!

The good thing is that I'm such a gym rat that I didn't have to start from scratch. I am strong and I have been a demon on the elliptical and the bike so my endurance isn't bad. So even though I technically only started two weeks ago, I'm ready to start on week 3 of month 2 of the couch program. It's a great feeling to be improving and adding more time to my jogging each week. My goal is to run a 5k by my birthday next year, which I think will be easily doable.

Joanie inspired me awhile back when she started training for and ran a couple different half-marathons. Maybe I can follow in her footsteps someday. :)

The other super cool thing is that I am working toward my goal of being healthier at 35 than I was at 15--I already am in a lot of ways and am moving ever closer!

Posted by crystallyn at November 3, 2005 07:11 AM

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Yea, I always find it easier when you haven't run in a while to try using the bike for a bit. Shin splints can be very discouraging or the stitches you get in your side starting too. Normally when starting back up i'll do biking each day for 30-60mins and then about a week out or so i'll traverse to running on the road. Then it's just a matter of pushing to go a little further each day until you've reached your distance goal.

Posted by: Malicin at November 4, 2005 10:18 AM

Wow good for you!

Posted by: Heidi at November 5, 2005 08:17 PM