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September 17, 2005

double-standard for romney

I'm not very fond of our govenor, Mitt Romney. He just gets more smarmy and horrid all the time. Recently, he made a comment at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, about how he thinks we should be wiretapping mosques "that may be teaching doctrines of hate and terror."

"Are we monitoring that? Are we wiretapping?" he asked. "Are we following what's going on? Are we seeing who's coming in, who's coming out? Are we eavesdropping, carrying out surveillance on those individuals from places that sponsor domestic terror?" and

Authorities "should be watching what's being taught in a mosque more closely than what's being taught at the local 4-H Club," Romney said.

I find this curious. Romney is advocating the wiretapping of mosques, which to my albeit limited knowledge are not considered places of secrecy and the exclusion of others . And yet, Romney himself belongs to a religion which is shrouded in secrecy, high ritual and forbids even much of its own members to participate fully in the upper echelons of the religion. I'm pretty sure that I could walk into any mosque and be allowed to watch and talk to members about their services and practices. However, I can't just walk into the temple (with the angel of macaroni) on the top and be welcome. In fact, I'm pretty sure they would kick me out, call the cops, or whatever it took to prevent me from entering.

So what in the heck goes on in there? (Well I know that they have baptized most of our dead ancestors--I have friends who have gone through those temple rituals). But do we "officially" know that? What if they are plotting terror? We don't know--those doors are locked; we are prevented from entering, knowing, participating, asking questions.

If Romney is advocating the wiretapping of mosques, he should acknowldege some of the stranger, secretive actions of his own faith. If we can tap mosques and find out what goes on inside, we should be able to tap other religious houses of worship, including the Mormon temples.

Posted by crystallyn at September 17, 2005 02:29 PM

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I knew you would have a comment on this.

Posted by: Paulette at September 18, 2005 01:12 PM