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July 11, 2005


So I'm off to Canada in the AM. Waterloo, to be exact. Heading up for some meetings and leaving Romeo here to take care of Joe. I'm not too terribly keen on travelling these days. In my past, I loved to travel. I wanted to manage all the trade shows specifically so I could be off and away. It's interesting...I realize that it's not because I dislike travel--but rather, I dislike travelling without Joe. Sort of sick and sappy, I know, but it's true.

I'm renting a car and driving an hour from Toronto to get there. It's trips like this where I'm off on my own where I feel strange--like how did I end up grown up enough to do this? To fly on my own, rent a car and drive some distance, stay by myself, etc. I don't feel scared, just strangely out of place--how did I get here? How did I manage to be grown up enough to do these things without anyone helping me? It's silly, especially since I've been doing these very things since I was 18 but it never ceases to make me feel a little nostalgic for those days when I was 8 years old and someone else packed my stuff, put me on a plane, in a car and just let me play slugbug in the backseat with my siblings.

off to sleep...because I have to be up at some ungodly hour. At least I saw Abreau nail 24 homeruns out of the park...with Ortiz on his tail with 17.

Posted by crystallyn at July 11, 2005 09:41 PM


It's continuing to be stifling hot up here so pace yourself. Have a good time, too!

Posted by: Ancarett at July 11, 2005 10:02 PM

Actually it's spelled EH? (sounds kind of like "ay" though).

Have fun! I miss Canada.

Posted by: Mary Ann at July 12, 2005 03:17 PM

I love Toronto but have never been to Waterloo. Hmmm, looks like the city of Waterloo needs a spiffier site. Maybe take a few pics for flickr while your there :) Talk to you next week!
xoxo, ang

Posted by: Angela at July 12, 2005 05:36 PM

Funny--I feel the EXACT same way whenever I travel on my own. Like, how did I become savvy enough to accomplish this? Weird. :)

Posted by: Redpanda at July 13, 2005 12:30 PM

I look around me all the time, bewildered, wondering where the time has gone.. how did I get to be an adult when I still like playing with toys. Real toys.. not just techie toys. Dol....er.. action figures, and board games, and the dragon's k'nex & legos & train set and kid's meal toys.

wow.. I don't think I like being a big girl all the time :P

Posted by: shanna at July 13, 2005 06:05 PM