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May 25, 2005

50 Little Things To Build Up Karma

1. Let a waiting driver into your lane.
2. Give other people books that have inspired you.
3. Decide to smile at everyone that you pass today.
4. Find at least one thing to laugh about every day.
5. Appreciate art.
6. Write down your loftiest goals and dreams. Then write down one baby step that will bring you closer to them.
7. Make breakfast for someone you love.
8. Eat colorful, healthy foods.
9. Send postcards to friends and family that are far away--for no reason.
10. Keep flowers at your home and/or on your desk.
11. Back all your actions with good intentions.
12. Personally thank the cook for your well-cooked meal.
13. Listen to your intuition.
14. Recycle.
15. Help someone before they ask.
16. Spend one day thinking positive thoughts about everyone and everything, including yourself. Try again the next day.
17. Be loyal.
18. Donate to charity--anonymously--in any amount.
19. Get rid of junk and clutter.
20. Cheer on a coworker or a friend.
21. Clean up your messes as you make them.
22. Take a friend or a loved one to a free concert, poetry reading or play.
23. Throw an extra quarter in the parking meter before you leave--or if you see a car with a meter that has run out.
24. Sing in the car, as loud as you can.
25. Take your neighbor's empty garbage cans/bins off the street for them.
26. Look at problems as an opportunity to be creative.
27. Respect others' traditions and beliefs, even if they don't align with your own.
28. Stop questioning your own happiness.
29. Leave little notes in unusual places for people you love.
30. Pay attention on conference calls or in meetings--listen as attentively as you would want and expect people to listen to you.
31. Write anonymous poetry and leave it in a public place.
32. Spend more time in nature.
33. Take a favorite friend to lunch, for no reason.
34. Thank your partner/spouse for the things they do, even the little tiny things.
35. Cut toxic, vampiric people out of your life.
36. Enjoy dessert once in awhile--without guilt.
37. Play--make snow angels, get out the color crayons, bounce a ball, play catch, ride a playground swing...
38. Bring back silly toys and mementos from far away places for your coworkers.
39. Start a collection--postcards, martini shakers, matchbooks, stamps, animal items (my mother-in-law has 120 mice in her house!), beach glass, vintage linens...I once knew a guy who collected sand from beaches around the world.
40. Learn a new word everyday.
41. Wear something colorful and unexpected.
42. Get enough sleep.
43. Give up your seat on the train or bus.
44. Fill out the dining experience cards and compliment your server.
45. Support local businesses over monster retailers.
46. Be an organ donor.
47. Don't eat meals in front of the television or computer--and don't answer the phone.
48. Do what you say.
49. Don't litter--and that includes cigarette butts ANYWHERE including out of a car (why on earth do people think that's okay?)
50. Strive to learn something new everyday.

Posted by crystallyn at May 25, 2005 07:13 AM


Crystal, you are so right! The first one really pays off. The entire week, I was patient and just when I really needed all green lights yesterday, I got them!

Can't wait to hear about graduation yesterday. Hope it was memorable!

(((hugs))) -ang

Posted by: Angela at June 4, 2005 08:44 AM