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January 30, 2005

had a crazy dream

last night--a zombie dream. Very vivid, like I was living in a horror movie. The world had been taken over by zombies and I was with a group of people in the basement of an activity center of some sort. Then, later, I was by myself in an abandoned hospital on the 15th floor or so, peeking out the window at all the zombies milling around below. Lots of zombie kids, I noticed. One of them was a young Ricky Schroeder (who had been talked about on the Michael Jackson childhood expose thing on VH1.com last night). Then I heard a noise in the corridor and I knew that it was a zombie. I ran to the door and tried to hold it closed, but woke up when the door was wrenched out of my grasp. Strange strange strange.

Posted by crystallyn at January 30, 2005 09:05 AM

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