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August 23, 2004

sparkling whites!

So I decided to give it a shot...and try out Crest White Strips. I was shocked to discover that they really work! Even after just one application I could tell the difference.

They're not too terrible, but you can't really talk to people when you have them on. I have a tough time with the one on the bottom...it makes you salivate a bit and then the strip gets slippery, which then gets icky. But for the most part, they are pretty easy to use.

But seriously, one application really brightened my teeth...dramatically. I don't think I have terribly yellowed teeth or anything, but definitely have the effects of years of coffee. I don't even think I need the whole 7 day treatment, but I'll keep at it. On day two and I already think that the nearly $20 price tag is worth it.

Now I'll have the sparkly model smile to go with my sparkly blue eyes.

Vanity kills...it don't pay bills. But my teeth are whiter! Who knows what's in this stuff though!

Posted by crystallyn at August 23, 2004 09:52 PM

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I'm looking forward to seeing your blinding white smile this weekend!

Posted by: sassy at August 24, 2004 03:06 PM

A bit too expensive for my tastes, though my dentist keeps talking about whitening my teeth.

Posted by: Ancarett at August 24, 2004 03:06 PM

BTW, there's a picture at the bottom of the latest entry at my site I think you might get a kick out of. That was on the wall of my hotel room in DC.

Posted by: sassy at August 24, 2004 03:07 PM

What's in 'em? H2O2, usually (Hydrogen Peroxide).

There aren't a lot of really great pictures of you on your blog, but somehow I've always visualized you with perfectly straight, white teeth.

Take care that your teeth don't get sensitive - whitening sometimes does that.

As for having foreign substances in your mouth and trying to talk - I have a splint that I wear over my top teeth when I play clarinet so as not to chew through my mouthpieces. I basically talk like I've got buckteeth if I try to talk with it on my teeth.

Posted by: Resurgere at August 24, 2004 11:15 PM