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June 11, 2004

processed food gets the thumbs down

Finally, big processed food companies are feeling the pinch, as described in this article from SignOnSanDiego.

Companies like Kraft are struggling to meet new competitive standards...and consumers' desire to eat healthier.

Cheese is a great example.

From the article: "Lately, Kraft's cheese business has been pressured by an onslaught of high-end products. Last year, U.S. sales of natural Asiago cheese, primarily distributed by a handful of importers and private-label brands, jumped 43 percent to $7.4 million, according to Information Resources Inc. Sales of Kraft aerosol cheese, which includes Cheez Whiz, fell 9.6 percent. Kraft's natural cheese sales grew 5.3 percent, while sales of its processed cheese fell 2 percent. "

At the one of the busiest Whole Foods stores in their chain, River Street in Cambridge, MA, the entire cheese counter overturns its stock in ONE WEEK. It's a massive, gourmet cheese counter!! I love love love all the wonderful cheeses they have.

And it's amazing...according to the article, Kraft wanted to buy an organic dairy so they could use the milk in their processed products. Clearly they just don't get it, do they?

I for one am glad for the health awareness craze...I see so many obese children now and it makes me heartsick. And it's companies like Kraft who push cheap, fake food on the market that lower income families can afford. Eating healthy IS more difficult, and that's the sad part of it all. Sure, I might be able to get cheap fruit at Star Market, but it's covered in pesticides and handled poorly. I'd rather shop at Whole Foods and pay more and know that I'm getting a better product. But some people can't afford that.

Argh. The older I get the more anti-establishment, anti-corporation I am becoming. Move me to Vermont already!

Posted by crystallyn at June 11, 2004 06:39 PM

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