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March 22, 2004

food for happy thoughts

Wonderful snippets from A Thousand Paths to Happiness by David Baird

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Happiness does not depend upon getting another's approval--it depends upon getting your own approval.

In Peter Pan, flight was within the grasp of those with happy thoughts!

Happy people don't whine about their condition, or lie awake at night worrying about their duty or their sins.

Sometimes problems have to be faced from different angles to find their solutions.

No matter who or what has wronged you, it is meaningless if you choose not to remember it.

Change and the world will change with you.

Try not to analyze everything. Analysis kills happiness.

Give yourself credit for knowing more than you think you do.

In this life, nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm.

Let every action that comes toward you have a positive and creative reaction from you.

Suspicion and assumption are the hands that will pull the rug out from beneath you.

Work to curb any impulsive behavior before it has the chance to go out of control.

Don't panic about anything--keep calm.

Happiness will always find a way. No gates are locked to it.

When real situations at work or home make you want to explode with anger or sink into unhappiness, say to yourself, "I'm glad that this is only a game."

Posted by crystallyn at March 22, 2004 06:05 AM

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