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February 15, 2004

i really want to

believe it's going to be spring soon. I saw a fluffy robin today, perched up high in a barren tree in the Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Joe and I went for a really long walk there today, despite the frigid 15 degree temperature. It was actually quite nice if the wind wasn't blowing. We had to be very careful due to the ice that covered many of the paths and was scattered about the roads. It's a great place to walk, with lots of hills and beautiful trees and ponds. There is always something to see, ornate headstones, striking tombs (EQ fans will be delighted to note that we saw Sleeper's Tomb today) and discussion-sparking names to behold.

We had just finished our walk and were getting in the car when I noticed the little splash of dull orange color up in the tree. It's such an interesting little herald of the upcoming change in the seasons. I found this awesome Web site about the American Robin which allows you to track first sightings and first songs heard. My mother mentioned she saw one yesterday in Boise, ID and my Mother-In-Law apparently also has seen a few out in the Berkshires here in MA. So that's a very good sign...maybe this cold snap is nearly over and we can start wearing jackets instead of coats, opening the windows, hanging around outdoors, potting the plans on the porch.

Oh, on that site above, you can also check out first sightings of other signs of spring--caribou migration, hummingbirds, first tulips, whooping cranes and monarch butterflies. Pretty nifty.

Posted by crystallyn at February 15, 2004 06:31 PM

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