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October 27, 2003

i feel slightly sorry for those of you

who didn't manage to get ahold of any of LoobyLu's wonderfully designed holiday cards. She's sold out! I managed to get a couple packets, so I'm all ready for the sending! I feel so cool. I got my holiday cards before Halloween. Ha!

We're also going to be WAY on the ball for our Christmas party (sometimes with Paulette's Hannukah flair thrown in, although no more potato pancakes after the lingering grease smell of two years ago. :) We're planning on getting our invites out during the first week of November. Imagine that!!! No last minute planning on our part. Except that now, the sucky part is that Joe isn't a wine god and able to get cheap drinks. I have a feeling we'll get past that, however. :)

But back to LoobyLu, I am sad that I never managed to snag any of the cool t-shirts that she designed from last year's NaNoWriMo. This year's shirt is pretty cool, and I'll probably get one, but dang...I wish that last year's was this year's!

Speaking of, I'm getting SO geared up for NaNoWriMo. I've been going crazy with getting my outline together. I have my pantheon, which is the core of the book in many ways. That was one of the main components. I realize that I was so stalled on writing the book for so long because I didn't have that backstory figured out. I have so many wonderful ideas...I feel so excited and confident about writing a longer piece, finally. I fall to sleep at night thinking of where my characters are taking me. It's so exciting to have the revelations of where the story might twist and turn. I've been holding off on writing it until the official start for NaNoWriMo, and I think that's good...the backstory is going to be rich and complex and I will have all my stepping stones in place. Terry Brooks is a huge proponent of outline--one of the few sci-fi/fantasy writers that seems to take this direction. I finally realize that the reason I was so stuck for so long is because I tried to just sit down and write whatever happened...but that doesn't really work for me. But the outline--WOW! That has opened up huge possibilities for me. I even have the beginnings of the sequel nearly planned and I haven't even begun the writing of the first one! Very exciting. I feel like there is a future for me in my writing. I've never felt that, or BELIEVED that before. It's an amazing, incredible feeling.

Posted by crystallyn at October 27, 2003 12:04 PM

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I have dozens of backstories, dialogue clips, pantheons, cartoony sketches and outlines for stories and then I don't get around to actually writing them. :)

I'm happy that you're so excited. My mother always told me to do what I love, the money will come, and with your talent it should eventually come in basketloads!

Posted by: Shanna at October 28, 2003 02:08 AM

Hooray for you -- I'm still dithering on what I'm writing for NaNoWriMo. I think I'll take the plunge and write this mystery I've been toying with for years. It revolves around a MMORPG. . . .

Posted by: Ancarett at October 28, 2003 07:34 AM

I have a 4 page outline of the story, plus some character info, some backstory and "sample dialogue." 50,000 words works out to be like 150-175 pages... i have three distinct parts to what I am going to write, and I figure each part to be about that length, so for NaNoWriMo I will focus on the first of the three parts of the story. I also have a friend who wants to do a cover and ink drawings of the story!

Posted by: Sean at October 28, 2003 09:21 AM