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October 09, 2003

blasts from the past

I have so much personal history with people that always remain such a big part of who I am. Once people get under my skin emotionally, they tend to remain, and that's definitely the case with many friends that I don't see much or in some cases that I've lost touch with.

One of my oldest and dearest friends, Stephanie, has announced she's getting married soon...which is VERY exciting. She was in my first wedding, was my closest childhood friend and is connected to a myriad of wonderful memories that will always be a part of who I am. I still have dreams about us being kids together. I'm so happy that she's found someone--that's one hell of a lucky guy that's catching her, let me tell you. Congrats Stephanie!!! You deserve all the happiness in the world.

My friend Tracy, who I worked at Disneyland with all those years ago, just sent me the picture of her newborn, Siena Jane. She's gorgeous! It's so exciting to hear such wonderful news from her...we haven't talked in quite awhile.

I get so excited when people I care about share the experiences in their lives. When I heard Stephanie was getting married I started whooping and yelling and bouncing around the apartment--it made me so happy to hear. Romeo looked at me like I was on drugs. And seeing Tracy's baby was such a happy thing too. I really love to hear and see the excitement--and to have the chance to share the excitement with these people who have touched my life.

I've been looking for a long-lost friend, Jen, who I was close with in college. We lost touch after she moved to a different city...this was many years ago. She never agreed with my choices during my first marriage--many of my friends didn't and well, when you are young, you charge ahead and don't listen sometimes (hind-sight is 20-20, right?). I really regret our losing touch--she was a real kindred, poetic spirit that I often wonder about. I've tried to find her many times, but to no avail--I keep looking for her poetry on the Net or in print. Finally, on a bizarre whim, I looked her up in Amazon.com on the friends list--I took a stab that she was still living in the same town she had moved to. I think I found her. Of course, Amazon keeps everything private, which is GOOD, but there is one way to connect...buy something on the wishlist and send a note. I hope she's both surprised and happy to hear from me...and that she will write. We'll see. She should get the book in a few days.

People--connections...these are the most important thing in life. I know this to be the real underlying truth.

Posted by crystallyn at October 9, 2003 08:56 PM

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