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August 15, 2003


I had the oddest dream last night...that I took another job and had started work but it was such a strange haphazard working environment. My new boss was in the office and he never said hi to me. Later, I was walking by a room with an open door and two or three people were sitting around chatting casually and talking about non-work related things. I apparently knew them and so I went in and sat down. The guy from out of town looked at me and said why did you come into the room? I was stunned and said, the door was open so I thought it was fine. He became furious and said, just because the door is open doesn't mean I want you to come in and sit down with us. I apologized but he had already gotten up and stormed off. In the background the whole time, there were two people helping some guy move his stuff out of the office...it was his last day and I realized it was my boss who had never said anything to me.

After the boss left, I remembered that I hadn't quit my other horrible job with a horrid, insecure and verbally abusive boss yet--that I was just trying this one out. I wasn't sure I felt better knowing that the new job was falling to pieces and that I could go back to the old job.

I spend my nights trying to reach into the sky and tear down the stars to wrap around me for protection.

Posted by crystallyn at August 15, 2003 06:30 AM

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