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July 15, 2003

malkovich, malkovich, malkovich!

Sunday mornings are usually spent on the balcony, eating breakfast. Over coffee, Joe mentions that the Globe reported that John Malkovich was moving to Boston. I didn't think much of it until yesterday when Joe called and asked me to guess who he saw standing in front of the Crate & Barrel in Harvard Square. I didn't know.

"Someone famous," he said.

"Umm...Natalie," I replied, since Ms. Portman attends Harvard and we often see her around town. Besides, I have Star Wars on the brain these days.


"Ummm Seamus?" I was thinking of Mr. Heaney, who often is seen at Harvard as well.

I thought about mentioning Yo-Yo , who also lives in Cambridge, but I figured at this point I was on the wrong track.

"Malkovich. He was just standing there, waiting for someone."

"Did you talk to him?"

"Umm no. What do you say to him without coming across like an idiot?"

He's right. I tried to figure out what I would have said if I had seen him. Would I have walked up to him and said, "Oh my god, I loved you in Shadow of the Vampire (which I did)?" No. "Umm, excuse me, Mr. Malkovich, can you give me directions to Mass Ave?" Har! "So, John, what color towels would you really buy if you were to walk into that Crate & Barrel?" Or perhaps: "You are such a handsome, sexy devil..."

I realized that no, there is nothing witty or wise to be said, nothing that you could do but walk by and marvel that you just saw Mr. Malkovich, one of the finest actors (IMHO) of our time.

Posted by crystallyn at July 15, 2003 06:20 AM

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Wow, that is way cool!

I had a similar reaction when I happened to set next to Tanya Donelly (of Belly and Throwing Muses fame) at a play. Unfortunately, this little fan boy made a searing fool of himself.

Joe made the right choice.

Posted by: Sean at July 15, 2003 02:25 PM

Personally, I'd go for something along the lines of walking past him and saying nonchalantly, "Hi John.", and keep walking.

Let him scratch his head over that one for a couple of seconds.

Or maybe stand next to him and whisper conspiratorially, "Hey, I heard Malkovich was kicking around here somewhere. Have you seen him?"

Posted by: Matt at July 15, 2003 04:50 PM

Somehow, I don't think there's much that'd make John Malkovich scratch his head. :)

Posted by: Sean at July 15, 2003 05:42 PM

well, being female I probably could have gotten away with a wink and a quick flirty-but-not-cutesy 'hi there' and keep moving...

It's J.M. though.. so a guy probably could have done the same.

Overseas it's de riguer to pretend very obviously _not_ to see various famous persons when they're about acting like normal people. Unless it's a footie player. Then they're mobbed. My parents tend to just invite them to join us at our table where we spend the rest of the night talking & drinking and we all go our separate ways when the restaurant closes.

But my parents do that to everyone.

Posted by: Shanna at July 15, 2003 06:14 PM

I have often wondered what I would say when face to face with someone famous I adore. Mostly I just think I'd drool and babble incoherently.

Posted by: Nicole at July 17, 2003 09:38 AM

You could always open up by asking if he's heard whether Mr. T has cancer or is in a wheelchair:


Posted by: Resurgere at July 18, 2003 10:26 PM