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July 09, 2003

easily amused

I love occasionally throwing my site into Rob's Amazing Poetry Generator...this is what it came up with today:

transferring in
a savoring that he takes over a
perfect day. the incoming dean Emily
McDermott, then left wanting more
books and/poetry WHO
AM transferring in another six months
with Sirius, to finish up.
have been a few hours
of the appeal for
get worked out in about PEOPLE who take
2 weeks and has no
stock on go figure. I need
to both of Fame earlier this
Very amazing
part. difficult it but I
will the schedule that gone to
UMass have discovered over for
at Crane Beach umbrellas, the review provides
further detail; see him punish the
beach umbrellas, the opening release, but
current students should have a
few years afterward.

My favorite bit is when "he' punished the beach umbrellas. :)

Posted by crystallyn at July 9, 2003 05:21 PM

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