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June 11, 2003

like a good neighbor...

We live in an interesting neighborhood...nice houses on one side of the fence, with projects on the other. Our side of the fence is pretty quiet, the neighbors aren't rambunctious and the majority of the action comes from people walking their dogs, and a few kids playing basketball on the side streets.

On the other side of the fence I'm not really sure what happens, but it's always LOUD. Like the couple screaming and yelling obscenities at each other. Last fall I heard them and I could tell that the woman was being beaten. It was awful. There are so many tiny houses over there though that I have no idea where it was coming from...and the way things are laid out, I didn't have any idea what the street names were. That side of the fence is another town altogehter. I just hoped that someone else called the cops to help her out. I heard them fighting again last week so at least she is still alive. That makes me sad and feeling helpless and I hate that.

But on a less horrible note, we have a trumpet player over there somewhere...but they aren't too obnoxious.

The real excruciating stuff happens on hot hot nights when the bass car stereos get turned on as teens hang out in the street. Or worse, the karaoke machine that some of the pre-teen girls have...turned up to 6 billion decibels with the most horrible horrible voices you can imagine...singing crap like Whitney Houston, and Christina Aguilera (incidentally, the Christina Aguilera that I knew in grade school was one of those kids that used to eat glue).

But the most bizarre is the older woman in the apartment buildings directly behind us that sings, sans music, at the top of her lungs, about whatever happens to fly out of her mouth. Sometimes there are no words, just a grating LALALA LALA LA sort of thing. She has the WORST voice imaginable, but she clearly thinks she's the stuff of American Idol.

Thankfully, we only hear this stuff when we are outside, and only in the summer. It's not so terrible that we hate eating on the balcony...it's more the random observations that there are some really talentless people that live around us...and are quite oblivious to the sad truth of it all.

Posted by crystallyn at June 11, 2003 07:27 PM

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We subscribed to the Belmont paper (Citizen-Herald, I think?) this year, and I always read the arrest logs first. I was always surprised by how many domestic disputes were in the papers, and especially by how many were between parents and children. It's strange when you think of how Belmont is supposed to be such a "nice", quiet suburb.

Also, McLean Hospital (the mental health hospital) seems to report a lot of missing patients--heehee.

Posted by: Sharyl M. at June 12, 2003 11:48 AM

If I didn't know better, I'd swear you're my next door neighbor. The bass shaking cars apart, the karaoke...ugh!

Posted by: Nicole at June 16, 2003 02:49 PM