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May 23, 2003

bizarre search words

a great thing about being on BlogOMania for my host is that it comes with this kickass control panel with every web-related feature you can imagine, including several web email options (with calendar, tasks, addressbook and more!!), web ftp capability and several different types of super comprehensive web stats.

I discovered some very odd search words were taking people to my site:

huge zit pictures
poems about crushes
lost pounds food poisoning
you wanna manage a hedge fund?
flip your eye lids

and several Everquest related types of searches...

Posted by crystallyn at May 23, 2003 09:14 PM

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I get a lot of hits from EQ searches, particularly for Tower of Frozen Shadows and humour. The weird ones, though, can be really disturbing!

Posted by: ancarett at May 24, 2003 05:04 PM